Monday, April 21, 2008

Dawn has been sleeping a lot the past two days.  She has been having hydrotherapy everyday and the doctors said that her legs look very good.  We are still waiting for them to tell us that she is finished with her surgeries and Dawn is definitely ready to get her trache tube out.  She had a bit of a fever the last few days and she is getting antibiotics to fight infection.  Her catheter was removed today because they believe that is where the infection is.  She was the best she's been since the surgery today, just tired.  She is getting lots of love and attention from friends and family everyday.  Keep getting stronger Dawny so you can get out of that hospital and into rehab!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dawn, sounds like things are moving forward!! I can't wait to see you this weekend. Take care of that infection! Love, you and see you soon. Charity